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Winter Roofing Tips in Burleson

Mar 03, 2021
Snow and Ice on a roof in Texas showing winter roofing tips

Winter weather is chaotic and easily catches many folks off guard. Not only can snow be a hassle but it can also do damage to your roof if left unchecked. Icy conditions can make it difficult to protect your roofing investment. Luckily, Honey Bees Roofing & Solar has winter roofing tips and tricks for Burleson, Arlington, Denton, Mansfield, and Fort Worth. With these tips, you should be on your way to clearing your roof of any harmful moisture.

How Can Snow Impact Your Roof in Burleson, Arlington, Denton, Mansfield, and Fort Worth?

Freezing and Thawing Cycles

Snow will inevitably melt once it lands on your roof. That sounds ideal, but it can end up causing you trouble. After the snow melts it can get in between tiles, shingles, and cracks in your roofing and gutter system. If it freezes again it will expand, increasing damage to your roof. It will then melt again, then freeze again. This cycle of thawing followed by freezing creates massive issues to the integrity of your roofing system.

Snow and Ice Build-up

Snow and ice can build up quickly in winter. The additional weight caused by the extra precipitation will cause extreme stress to your roof. Many roofs, especially flat ones, can take major damage as the season continues, so make sure to have it inspected by a professional once spring hits.

Roofing Blisters

Flat roofs and roofing with a low incline also have issues with roofing blisters. Roofing blisters occur when moisture is trapped in the layers of your roof that then warms up with the spring air. The air can cause shingles to pop, leaving a hole where the build-up occurs.

Ice Dams

An ice dam forms at the edge of your roof, holding snow up and allowing icicles to grow. Once ice dams appear there is a good chance that they’ll cause a rook leak. Ice dams hold water on your roof which can damage your roofing if it isn’t dealt with.

Damage During Roofing Removal

Snow and ice can damage your roof, but so can tools. By using metal tools instead of plastic for snow and ice removal you can pierce your roofing. These man-made holes make it easier for ice and snow to damage your roof. Always be very careful clearing your roof of winter weather and always use plastic tools.

Winter Roofing Tips – Safely Removing Snow from Your Roof

Don’t Get On Your Roof

While it may seem tempting to get on your roof and simply shovel the snow off, it may do more harm than good. Being on a snowy or icy roof can be treacherous without proper safety equipment. Trying to shovel snow off of your roof can also do damage to your roofing material. Using improper tools can also damage your roof. Save yourself and your roof, don’t get on it while icy. The safest way to remove snow from your roof is to hire a professional.

Using a Snow Rake

Snow rakes are long telescoping poles, with a large flat head on one end. This design allows you to reach the top of your roof and pull down all of the snow. If you’re using a snow rake, get a firm footing and take the rake in two hands. You’ll want to be a few feet away from your roof’s edge so snow can’t fall on you unexpectedly. Start from the ridge of your roof and work towards the eaves, pulling the snow down. Leave a few inches of snow instead of scrapping it completely off to avoid doing damage to your roof. Try to not clog your gutter or downspouts with snow. In no time you’ll have the heavy snow off of your roof!

Winter Roofing Tips – Safely Removing Ice from Your Roof

Don’t Use Hot Water, Use Salt

Using hot water to melt the ice off of the roof may seem like a simple solution, but it can actually prove harmful. Experts say that hot water “is a short-term solution, as once it cools it will freeze over the existing ice making the problem worse.” Using salt, or other de-icing chemicals not only melts the Ice but can also help prevent further frozen build-up. However, while effective some de-icers can damage your roof. De-icers with NaC1 (Sodium Chloride) CaC12 (Calcium Chloride) should be avoided since these chemicals can be too corrosive for your roof. If the chemicals are in thick, rocky pieces they’ll melt the snow faster than more powdery de-icers. Simply lay a safe de-icer on thick and it’ll do the rest!

Roof De-icing Cables (Heat Cables)

While de-icing cables can’t help if the ice is on the roof now, installing them can always help next time. These cables sit on the eaves of your roof. Once the snow falls, they can be turned on to heat up where ice dams would normally form. Preventing ice dams from forming allows the snow to easily melt and run off your roof. They de-ice the entire roof since they only sit on the eaves, so flat and less steep roofs aren’t as improved by them.

Preventing Ice

One of the best winter roofing tips in Burleson and the surrounding areas is to prevent ice build-up before it can form. Using a snow rake to get rid of the snow can prevent ice build-up, as well as break down some ice dams. Another way to stop ice from forming is to put more insulation in your attic. By adding 8-to-10 inches of insulation you can prevent heat transfer from your home to your attic. This insulation keeps snow from melting and freezing again as well as keeps the heat in your home.

Summary – Winter Roofing Tips in Burleson, Arlington, Denton, Mansfield, and Fort Worth

These winter roofing tips in Burleson can help ensure you keep your roof safe in inclement winter weather. Understanding what snow and ice can do to your roof, and knowing how to safely remove it from your home you’ll be set for the next big snowstorm. If you have any questions or think you might have pre-existing damage from a storm, feel free to Contact Honey Bees Roofing & Solar online or give us a call today at 817-668-6131 to schedule a free roof inspection!

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